Come to beaulieu


Download the map of the town 

Beaulieu-sur-Mer is 15 km from Nice Côte d’Azur International Airport, 7 km from Nice city centre and 7 km from the Principality of Monaco.

come by BUS

ZOU ! (Région Sud)

+33 (0) 4 13 94 30 50

Ligne 600 (ex 100/607) 

Nice Square Normandie Niemen / Menton Gare routière

Ligne 601 (ex N100) 

Nice Square Normandie Niemen/ Menton Bastion – Bus de nuit du jeudi au samedi et veille de jours fériés.

Lignes d’Azur

08 1006 1006

Ligne 15 (ex 81) 

Nice – Lycée Masséna / Port de Saint Jean

Ligne 83 

Baie des Fourmis / Eze-Plateau de la Justice

Ligne 84 

Baie des Fourmis / Nice Riquier

come by TRAIN


0 800 11 40 23, everyday from 7am à 9.30pm, free of charge. 
TER train line Mandelieu-Vintimille – a train every 30 minutes.

Beaulieu-sur-Mer – Nice Ville : 10 min – 3.40€

Beaulieu-sur-Mer – Monaco Monte-Carlo : 11 min – 3.90€

come by car

Highway A8

From west : 

Exit La Turbie (exit 57)

From east : 

Exit Monaco-La Turbie-Eze         (exit 56)

Parkings de Beaulieu-sur-Mer :

– At the Harbour (next to Petite Afrique’s beach) on charge from 9am to 12pm and from 2pm to 6pm (7pm during summer) out of blue area

– Parking of the Batterie (next to the town hall) : on charge from 9am to 12pm from monday to saturday and holiday days

Electric vehicles

Charging stations through the Prise de Nice service:
– 2 charging points at 38 bd Marinoni
– 2 charging points at the Battery car park
– 2 charging points at the marina (Capitainerie)

Hire: via the Renault Mobility application, one vehicle available at 38 bd Marinoni.


From Nice Côte d’Azur International Airport

To find out how to get from Beaulieu-sur-Mer to the airport by public transport, consult this document: access Airport – Beaulieu-sur-Mer GB



Cycles Camellini 

+33 (0) 4 93 01 04 51 – 36, bd Maréchal Leclerc

E-velo bleu 

+33 (0)4 93 72 06 06 

5 electric bikes opposite the station, av. du 8 mai 45 and 5 at the marina, near the harbourmaster’s office.

Location and hire on the E-vélobleu application



+33 (0)4 93 01 03 46

Around the train station

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Juillet et Août et du 1er au 15 septembre :

du lundi au samedi : 9h30-13h / 14h-18h30
dimanche et jours fériés : 9h30-13h / 14h-17h30

D’Octobre à mi-Avril

du lundi au samedi : 9h-12h30 / 14h-17h
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