Cinema of Beaulieu

Few cinemas on the Côte d’Azur offer as much diversity: films in French and films in the original version with French subtitles, conferences, opera and ballets broadcast live from London’s Royal Opera House, participation in various events…

You can find the cinema programme by clicking on the following link: programme

– Full price: €8.50
– Reduced rate: €7
for pensioners, retired people, unemployed people, students, under-25s, everyone on Mondays
Reduced rate: €5 for under-14s
– Season ticket: €5
10-screening card: €50 (valid for 6 months, non-nominative + €1 when the card is created)
– 3D screenings: + €2 (all prices combined)


– 1 show: €21 (full price), €12 (reduced price: unemployed, students and under-18s)
– 5-show season ticket: €19 (i.e. €95 for a choice of 5 shows)
– Full season ticket: €17 (i.e. €170 for 10 shows)

4 avenue Fernand Dunan | 06310 BEAULIEU-SUR-MER
+33 (0)4 93 87 84 38

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Opening hours

Mi-Avril à Juin et du 16 au 29 Septembre :

Du lundi au samedi 9h30-13h / 14h-17h30

Ouvert les jours fériés

Juillet et Août et du 1er au 15 septembre :

du lundi au samedi : 9h30-13h / 14h-18h30
dimanche et jours fériés : 9h30-13h / 14h-17h30

D’Octobre à mi-Avril

du lundi au samedi : 9h-12h30 / 14h-17h
fermé les dimanches et jours fériés

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